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Package com.unboundid.util.args

This package contains a set of classes that may be used to perform command line argument parsing.

See: Description

Package com.unboundid.util.args Description

This package contains a set of classes that may be used to perform command line argument parsing. Arguments can have a number of properties, including:

If an argument takes a value, then it may be separated from the short or long identifier using a space, or an equal sign for long identifiers (e.g., "-h", "--hostname", or ""). In addition, if a short identifier is provided by itself without being concatenated with any other short identifiers, then the value may be directly appended to the short identifier (e.g., ""). Note that it is not possible for an argument to optionally take a value. If an argument is configured to take a value, then it can never be provided on the command line without one, and if an argument is not configured to take a value, then it can never be provided with one.

Arguments are generally separated from each other with one or more spaces. However, if there are multiple arguments that do not take values, then it is possible to concatenate their short identifiers together and prefix the resulting string with a single dash (e.g., "-abcd" would be interpreted as "-a -b -c -d"). This is only allowed for short identifiers, and only for the case in which none of them take values.

It is possible to define relationships between named arguments. It is possible to indicate that at most one of a specified set of arguments is allowed to be provided (i.e., that those arguments are not allowed to be used together). It is also possible to indicate that at least one of a specified set of arguments must be provided. If the same set of arguments is included in both classifications, then exactly one of those arguments must be provided.

In addition to named arguments, it is also possible to indicate that a command accepts unnamed trailing arguments. In this case, no automatic validation will be performed for those trailing arguments (with the optional exception of enforcing a limit on the maximum allowed number of such arguments), and it is up to the application to parse and interpret them. The first argument which is not the value for the previous argument and does not start with one or two dashes will be considered the first trailing argument, and all arguments after that (regardless of whether they start with dashes) will also be considered trailing arguments. Additionally, if an argument of "--" is provided by itself, then it will serve to mark as the end of the named arguments, and any arguments provided after that will be considered unnamed trailing arguments.
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