UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

Ping Identity
Product Information
Using the LDAP SDK Persistence Framework

The generate-source-from-schema Tool

The generate-source-from-schema tool may be used to automatically generate properly-annotated Java source code for a class that may be used with the LDAP SDK persistence framework using schema information read from an LDAP directory server. It can dramatically simplify the process of creating an LDAP-enabled application which can be used to interact with existing data.

It is a command-line tool that may be invoked using the corresponding shell script or batch file located in the tools directory of the UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java distribution. Alternately, it may be run programmatically by invoking the main method of class com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.persist.GenerateSourceFromSchema. In either case, some of the arguments which may be used with this tool are provided below. Use the --help argument for a complete listing of all supported options.