UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

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Using the LDAP SDK Persistence Framework

The LDAPPersister Class

The com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.persist.LDAPPersister class provides a set of methods that may be used to perform most of the real work of encoding and decoding entries and communicating with an LDAP directory server in the context of the LDAP SDK persistence framework. It uses the Java generics framework, and each instance of an LDAPPersister class may be used for one type of object marked with the @LDAPObject annotation type.

The getInstance method may be used to obtain an instance of the LDAPPersister class for use with a particular type of object. The class provided as an argument to the getInstance method must be marked with the @LDAPObject annotation type, and the process of initializing the LDAPPersister instance will validate that class to ensure that it does not violate any of the constraints imposed by the LDAP SDK persistence framework.

Key methods provided by the LDAPPersister class include: