UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

Ping Identity
Product Information
Using the LDAP SDK Persistence Framework

The @LDAPField Annotation Type

The @LDAPField annotation type may be used to mark Java fields whose values should be stored in LDAP attributes. When encoding an entry from the object, the value(s) for the field will be encoded to an LDAP attribute, and when initializing a Java object from an LDAP entry, the value(s) of the corresponding attribute will be assigned to the marked field. The logic used to perform this encoding and decoding is provided by an instance of an ObjectEncoder class. A DefaultObjectEncoder class is included as part of the LDAP SDK persistence framework, and information about the data types that it supports is available in the supported data types page.

Fields that are marked with the @LDAPField annotation type must not be marked with any other annotation type used by the LDAP SDK persistence framework, like @LDAPDNField or @LDAPEntryField. They must not be declared final or static, but they may have any visibility level (including public, private, protected or the default package-level access).

Elements that may be included in the @LDAPField annotation type include: