UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

Ping Identity
Product Information

Interacting with Ping Identity, UnboundID, or Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent 8661 Directory Server Monitor Data

The UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java provides support for retrieving and interpreting monitor data from a Ping Identity, UnboundID, or Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent 8661 Directory Server instance. Currently supported monitor entries include:

Monitor Entries

The Directory Server monitor information is made available in the form of monitor entries. All monitor entries have some common properties, and then each specific type of monitor entry has a number of methods that may be used to obtain specific information about the data provided by the server for the associated monitor type.

The information that is available for all types of monitor entries includes:

Specific types of monitor entries also provide ways of getting access to the information that they provide. For example, the version monitor entry provides the following methods that may be used to get different elements related to the server version:

Monitor Attributes

As described above, each specific type of monitor entry provides methods that may be used to access the different kinds of information that type of monitor entry provides. This is very useful if you know exactly the type of information that you wish to retrieve, but it is not very useful for a generic application that wishes to access any of the monitor information without hard-coding methods to get access to the available information. While it would certainly be possible to simply retrieve the entries from the server and display the attribute names and values, this is not ideal because the attribute names are not user friendly or localizeable and in some cases may not be fully self-explanatory, and it is not always easy to determine the data type for the associated information.

To solve these problems and make the monitor data available in a generic but still very useful way, the UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java provides the "public Map<String,MonitorAttribute> getMonitorAttributes()" method in each monitor entry. Each MonitorAttribute object provides the following information:

Using the information provided by monitor attributes, it possible for an application to obtain and interact with server monitor data in a generic manner and yet still interact with it and/or present it to end users in a useful and meaningful way.

The Monitor Manager

The MonitorManager class provides an interface for accessing the monitor data provided by the server. The"public List<MonitorEntry> getMonitorEntries(LDAPConnection connection)" method can be used to retrieve all of the monitor entries provided by the server, parsed as their appropriate monitor entry subtypes. However, if you are interested in obtaining a specific set of monitor information, then there are methods available for getting each specific type of monitor entry (e.g., the getBackendMonitorEntries method will retrieve all of the backend monitor entries provided by the server).