The parallel-update Command-Line Tool

Use multiple concurrent threads to apply a set of add, delete, modify, and modify DN operations read from an LDIF file.

As with other tools like ldapmodify, changes in the LDIF file to be processed should be ordered such that if there are any dependencies between changes (for example, if one add change record creates a parent entry and another add change record creates a child of that parent), prerequisite changes come before the changes that depend on them. When this tool is preparing to process a change, it will determine whether the new change depends on any other changes that are currently in progress, and if so, will delay processing that change until its dependencies have been satisfied. If a change does not depend on any other changes that are currently being processed, then it can be processed in parallel with those changes.

This tool will keep track of any changes that fail in a way that indicates they succeed if re-tried later (for example, an attempt to add an entry that fails because its parent does not exist, but its parent may be created later in the set of LDIF changes), and can optionally re-try those changes after processing is complete. Any changes that are not retried, as well as changes that still fail after the retry attempts, will be written to a rejects file with information about the reason for the failure so that an administrator can take any necessary further action upon them.


parallel-update {arguments}

LDAP Connection and Authentication Arguments

Change Processing Arguments

Request Control Arguments

Additional Arguments

Dependent Argument Sets

Exclusive Argument Sets


    parallel-update --hostname --port 636 --useSSL \
         --bindDN uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com --promptForBindPassword \
         --ldifFile changes.ldif --rejectFile rejects.ldif --defaultAdd \
         --numThreads 10 --ratePerSecond 5000