The generate-source-from-schema Command-Line Tool

Generate source code for a Java class that may be used to represent data stored in an LDAP directory server. The source code will be generated using information read from the directory server schema, and will contain an appropriate set of annotations required to use that class with the LDAP SDK persistence framework.


generate-source-from-schema {arguments}

LDAP Connection and Authentication Arguments

Additional Arguments

Dependent Argument Sets

Exclusive Argument Sets


    generate-source-from-schema --hostname --port 389 \
         --bindDN uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com --bindPassword password \
         --outputDirectory src/com/example \
         --structuralClass myStructuralClass --auxiliaryClass auxClass1 \
         --auxiliaryClass auxClass2 --rdnAttribute cn \
         --defaultParentDN dc=example,dc=com --packageName com.example \
         --className MyObject