The deliver-one-time-password Command-Line Tool

Generate and deliver a one-time password to a user through some out-of-band mechanism. That password can then be used to authenticate via the UNBOUNDID-DELIVERED-OTP SASL mechanism.


deliver-one-time-password {arguments}

LDAP Connection Arguments

Identification and Authentication Arguments

Delivery Mechanism Arguments

Additional Arguments

Required Argument Sets

Dependent Argument Sets

Exclusive Argument Sets


    deliver-one-time-password --hostname --port 389 \
         --bindDN uid=test.user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com \
         --bindPassword password --messageSubject "Your one-time password" \
         --fullTextBeforeOTP "Your one-time password is '" \
         --fullTextAfterOTP "'." --compactTextBeforeOTP "Your OTP is '" \
         --compactTextAfterOTP "'."
    deliver-one-time-password --hostname --port 389 \
         --userName test.user --bindPassword password \
         --deliveryMechanism SMS --deliveryMechanism E-Mail \
         --messageSubject "Your one-time password" \
         --fullTextBeforeOTP "Your one-time password is '" \
         --fullTextAfterOTP "'." --compactTextBeforeOTP "Your OTP is '" \
         --compactTextAfterOTP "'."