002 * Copyright 2016-2024 Ping Identity Corporation
003 * All Rights Reserved.
004 */
006 * Copyright 2016-2024 Ping Identity Corporation
007 *
008 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
009 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
010 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
011 *
012 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
013 *
014 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
015 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
016 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
017 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
018 * limitations under the License.
019 */
021 * Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Ping Identity Corporation
022 *
023 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
024 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv2 only)
025 * or the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv2.1 only)
026 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
027 *
028 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
029 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
031 * GNU General Public License for more details.
032 *
033 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
034 * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
035 */
036package com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.transformations;
040import java.io.Serializable;
041import java.util.ArrayList;
042import java.util.Collection;
043import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
044import java.util.Set;
046import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Attribute;
047import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN;
048import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Entry;
049import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Filter;
050import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.RDN;
051import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.schema.Schema;
052import com.unboundid.util.Debug;
053import com.unboundid.util.NotNull;
054import com.unboundid.util.Nullable;
055import com.unboundid.util.ObjectPair;
056import com.unboundid.util.StaticUtils;
057import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafety;
058import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafetyLevel;
063 * This class provides an implementation of an entry transformation that will
064 * alter DNs below a specified base DN to ensure that they are exactly one level
065 * below the specified base DN.  This can be useful when migrating data
066 * containing a large number of branches into a flat DIT with all of the entries
067 * below a common parent.
068 * <BR><BR>
069 * Only entries that were previously more than one level below the base DN will
070 * be renamed.  The DN of the base entry itself will be unchanged, as well as
071 * the DNs of entries outside of the specified base DN.
072 * <BR><BR>
073 * For any entries that were originally more than one level below the specified
074 * base DN, any RDNs that were omitted may optionally be added as
075 * attributes to the updated entry.  For example, if the flatten base DN is
076 * "ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" and an entry is encountered with a DN of
077 * "uid=john.doe,ou=East,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", the resulting DN would
078 * be "uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" and the entry may optionally be
079 * updated to include an "ou" attribute with a value of "East".
080 * <BR><BR>
081 * Alternately, the attribute-value pairs from any omitted RDNs may be added to
082 * the resulting entry's RDN, making it a multivalued RDN if necessary.  Using
083 * the example above, this means that the resulting DN could be
084 * "uid=john.doe+ou=East,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com".  This can help avoid the
085 * potential for naming conflicts if entries exist with the same RDN in
086 * different branches.
087 * <BR><BR>
088 * This transformation will also be applied to DNs used as attribute values in
089 * the entries to be processed.  All attributes in all entries (regardless of
090 * location in the DIT) will be examined, and any value that is a DN will have
091 * the same flattening transformation described above applied to it.  The
092 * processing will be applied to any entry anywhere in the DIT, but will only
093 * affect values that represent DNs below the flatten base DN.
094 * <BR><BR>
095 * In many cases, when flattening a DIT with a large number of branches, the
096 * non-leaf entries below the flatten base DN are often simple container entries
097 * like organizationalUnit entries without any real attributes.  In those cases,
098 * those container entries may no longer be necessary in the flattened DIT, and
099 * it may be desirable to eliminate them.  To address that, it is possible to
100 * provide a filter that can be used to identify these entries so that they can
101 * be excluded from the resulting LDIF output.  Note that only entries below the
102 * flatten base DN may be excluded by this transformation.  Any entry at or
103 * outside the specified base DN that matches the filter will be preserved.
104 */
106public final class FlattenSubtreeTransformation
107       implements EntryTransformation, Serializable
109  /**
110   * The serial version UID for this serializable class.
111   */
112  private static final long serialVersionUID = -5500436195237056110L;
116  // Indicates whether the attribute-value pairs from any omitted RDNs should be
117  // added to any entries that are updated.
118  private final boolean addOmittedRDNAttributesToEntry;
120  // Indicates whether the RDN of the attribute-value pairs from any omitted
121  // RDNs should be added into the RDN for any entries that are updated.
122  private final boolean addOmittedRDNAttributesToRDN;
124  // The base DN below which to flatten the DIT.
125  @NotNull  private final DN flattenBaseDN;
127  // A filter that can be used to identify which entries to exclude.
128  @Nullable private final Filter excludeFilter;
130  // The RDNs that comprise the flatten base DN.
131  @NotNull private final RDN[] flattenBaseRDNs;
133  // The schema to use when processing.
134  @Nullable private final Schema schema;
138  /**
139   * Creates a new instance of this transformation with the provided
140   * information.
141   *
142   * @param  schema                          The schema to use in processing.
143   *                                         It may be {@code null} if a default
144   *                                         standard schema should be used.
145   * @param  flattenBaseDN                   The base DN below which any
146   *                                         flattening will be performed.  In
147   *                                         the transformed data, all entries
148   *                                         below this base DN will be exactly
149   *                                         one level below this base DN.  It
150   *                                         must not be {@code null}.
151   * @param  addOmittedRDNAttributesToEntry  Indicates whether to add the
152   *                                         attribute-value pairs of any RDNs
153   *                                         stripped out of DNs during the
154   *                                         course of flattening the DIT should
155   *                                         be added as attribute values in the
156   *                                         target entry.
157   * @param  addOmittedRDNAttributesToRDN    Indicates whether to add the
158   *                                         attribute-value pairs of any RDNs
159   *                                         stripped out of DNs during the
160   *                                         course of flattening the DIT should
161   *                                         be added as additional values in
162   *                                         the RDN of the target entry (so the
163   *                                         resulting DN will have a
164   *                                         multivalued RDN with all of the
165   *                                         attribute-value pairs of the
166   *                                         original RDN, plus all
167   *                                         attribute-value pairs from any
168   *                                         omitted RDNs).
169   * @param  excludeFilter                   An optional filter that may be used
170   *                                         to exclude entries during the
171   *                                         flattening process.  If this is
172   *                                         non-{@code null}, then any entry
173   *                                         below the flatten base DN that
174   *                                         matches this filter will be
175   *                                         excluded from the results rather
176   *                                         than flattened.  This can be used
177   *                                         to strip out "container" entries
178   *                                         that were simply used to add levels
179   *                                         of hierarchy in the previous
180   *                                         branched DN that are no longer
181   *                                         needed in the flattened
182   *                                         representation of the DIT.
183   */
184  public FlattenSubtreeTransformation(@Nullable final Schema schema,
185              @NotNull final DN flattenBaseDN,
186              final boolean addOmittedRDNAttributesToEntry,
187              final boolean addOmittedRDNAttributesToRDN,
188              @Nullable final Filter excludeFilter)
189  {
190    this.flattenBaseDN                  = flattenBaseDN;
191    this.addOmittedRDNAttributesToEntry = addOmittedRDNAttributesToEntry;
192    this.addOmittedRDNAttributesToRDN   = addOmittedRDNAttributesToRDN;
193    this.excludeFilter                  = excludeFilter;
195    flattenBaseRDNs = flattenBaseDN.getRDNs();
198    // If a schema was provided, then use it.  Otherwise, use the default
199    // standard schema.
200    Schema s = schema;
201    if (s == null)
202    {
203      try
204      {
205        s = Schema.getDefaultStandardSchema();
206      }
207      catch (final Exception e)
208      {
209        // This should never happen.
210        Debug.debugException(e);
211      }
212    }
213    this.schema = s;
214  }
218  /**
219   * {@inheritDoc}
220   */
221  @Override()
222  @Nullable()
223  public Entry transformEntry(@NotNull final Entry e)
224  {
225    // If the provided entry was null, then just return null.
226    if (e == null)
227    {
228      return null;
229    }
232    // Get a parsed representation of the entry's DN.  If we can't parse the DN
233    // for some reason, then leave it unaltered.  If we can parse it, then
234    // perform any appropriate transformation.
235    DN newDN = null;
236    LinkedHashSet<ObjectPair<String,String>> omittedRDNValues = null;
237    try
238    {
239      final DN dn = e.getParsedDN();
241      if (dn.isDescendantOf(flattenBaseDN, false))
242      {
243        // If the entry matches the exclude filter, then return null to indicate
244        // that the entry should be omitted from the results.
245        try
246        {
247          if ((excludeFilter != null) && excludeFilter.matchesEntry(e))
248          {
249            return null;
250          }
251        }
252        catch (final Exception ex)
253        {
254          Debug.debugException(ex);
255        }
258        // If appropriate allocate a set to hold omitted RDN values.
259        if (addOmittedRDNAttributesToEntry || addOmittedRDNAttributesToRDN)
260        {
261          omittedRDNValues =
262               new LinkedHashSet<>(StaticUtils.computeMapCapacity(5));
263        }
266        // Transform the parsed DN.
267        newDN = transformDN(dn, omittedRDNValues);
268      }
269    }
270    catch (final Exception ex)
271    {
272      Debug.debugException(ex);
273      return e;
274    }
277    // Iterate through the attributes and apply any appropriate transformations.
278    // If the resulting RDN should reflect any omitted RDNs, then create a
279    // temporary set to use to hold the RDN values omitted from attribute
280    // values.
281    final Collection<Attribute> originalAttributes = e.getAttributes();
282    final ArrayList<Attribute> newAttributes =
283         new ArrayList<>(originalAttributes.size());
285    final LinkedHashSet<ObjectPair<String,String>> tempOmittedRDNValues;
286    if (addOmittedRDNAttributesToRDN)
287    {
288      tempOmittedRDNValues =
289           new LinkedHashSet<>(StaticUtils.computeMapCapacity(5));
290    }
291    else
292    {
293      tempOmittedRDNValues = null;
294    }
296    for (final Attribute a : originalAttributes)
297    {
298      newAttributes.add(transformAttribute(a, tempOmittedRDNValues));
299    }
302    // Create the new entry.
303    final Entry newEntry;
304    if (newDN == null)
305    {
306      newEntry = new Entry(e.getDN(), schema, newAttributes);
307    }
308    else
309    {
310      newEntry = new Entry(newDN, schema, newAttributes);
311    }
314    // If we should add omitted RDN name-value pairs to the entry, then add them
315    // now.
316    if (addOmittedRDNAttributesToEntry && (omittedRDNValues != null))
317    {
318      for (final ObjectPair<String,String> p : omittedRDNValues)
319      {
320        newEntry.addAttribute(
321             new Attribute(p.getFirst(), schema, p.getSecond()));
322      }
323    }
326    return newEntry;
327  }
331  /**
332   * Applies the appropriate transformation to the provided DN.
333   *
334   * @param  dn                The DN to transform.  It must not be
335   *                           {@code null}.
336   * @param  omittedRDNValues  A set into which any omitted RDN values should be
337   *                           added.  It may be {@code null} if we don't need
338   *                           to collect the set of omitted RDNs.
339   *
340   * @return  The transformed DN, or the original DN if no alteration is
341   *          necessary.
342   */
343  @NotNull()
344  private DN transformDN(@NotNull final DN dn,
345       @Nullable final Set<ObjectPair<String,String>> omittedRDNValues)
346  {
347    // Get the number of RDNs to omit.  If we shouldn't omit any, then return
348    // the provided DN without alterations.
349    final RDN[] originalRDNs = dn.getRDNs();
350    final int numRDNsToOmit = originalRDNs.length - flattenBaseRDNs.length - 1;
351    if (numRDNsToOmit == 0)
352    {
353      return dn;
354    }
357    // Construct an array of the new RDNs to use for the entry.
358    final RDN[] newRDNs = new RDN[flattenBaseRDNs.length + 1];
359    System.arraycopy(flattenBaseRDNs, 0, newRDNs, 1, flattenBaseRDNs.length);
362    // If necessary, get the name-value pairs for the omitted RDNs and construct
363    // the new RDN.  Otherwise, just preserve the original RDN.
364    if (omittedRDNValues == null)
365    {
366      newRDNs[0] = originalRDNs[0];
367    }
368    else
369    {
370      for (int i=1; i <= numRDNsToOmit; i++)
371      {
372        final String[] names  = originalRDNs[i].getAttributeNames();
373        final String[] values = originalRDNs[i].getAttributeValues();
374        for (int j=0; j < names.length; j++)
375        {
376          omittedRDNValues.add(new ObjectPair<>(names[j], values[j]));
377        }
378      }
380      // Just in case the entry's original RDN has one or more name-value pairs
381      // as some of the omitted RDNs, remove those values from the set.
382      final String[] origNames  = originalRDNs[0].getAttributeNames();
383      final String[] origValues = originalRDNs[0].getAttributeValues();
384      for (int i=0; i < origNames.length; i++)
385      {
386        omittedRDNValues.remove(new ObjectPair<>(origNames[i], origValues[i]));
387      }
389      // If we should include omitted RDN values in the new RDN, then construct
390      // a new RDN for the entry.  Otherwise, preserve the original RDN.
391      if (addOmittedRDNAttributesToRDN)
392      {
393        final String[] originalRDNNames  = originalRDNs[0].getAttributeNames();
394        final String[] originalRDNValues = originalRDNs[0].getAttributeValues();
396        final String[] newRDNNames =
397             new String[originalRDNNames.length + omittedRDNValues.size()];
398        final String[] newRDNValues = new String[newRDNNames.length];
400        int i=0;
401        for (int j=0; j < originalRDNNames.length; j++)
402        {
403          newRDNNames[i]  = originalRDNNames[i];
404          newRDNValues[i] = originalRDNValues[i];
405          i++;
406        }
408        for (final ObjectPair<String,String> p : omittedRDNValues)
409        {
410          newRDNNames[i]  = p.getFirst();
411          newRDNValues[i] = p.getSecond();
412          i++;
413        }
415        newRDNs[0] = new RDN(newRDNNames, newRDNValues, schema);
416      }
417      else
418      {
419        newRDNs[0] = originalRDNs[0];
420      }
421    }
423    return new DN(newRDNs);
424  }
428  /**
429   * Applies the appropriate transformation to any values of the provided
430   * attribute that represent DNs.
431   *
432   * @param  a                 The attribute to transform.  It must not be
433   *                           {@code null}.
434   * @param  omittedRDNValues  A set into which any omitted RDN values should be
435   *                           added.  It may be {@code null} if we don't need
436   *                           to collect the set of omitted RDNs.
437   *
438   * @return  The transformed attribute, or the original attribute if no
439   *          alteration is necessary.
440   */
441  @NotNull()
442  private Attribute transformAttribute(@NotNull final Attribute a,
443       @Nullable final Set<ObjectPair<String,String>> omittedRDNValues)
444  {
445    // Assume that the attribute doesn't have any values that are DNs, and that
446    // we won't need to create a new attribute.  This should be the common case.
447    // Also, even if the attribute has one or more DNs, we don't need to do
448    // anything for values that aren't below the flatten base DN.
449    boolean hasTransformableDN = false;
450    final String[] values = a.getValues();
451    for (final String value : values)
452    {
453      try
454      {
455        final DN dn = new DN(value);
456        if (dn.isDescendantOf(flattenBaseDN, false))
457        {
458          hasTransformableDN = true;
459          break;
460        }
461      }
462      catch (final Exception e)
463      {
464        // This is the common case.  We shouldn't even debug this.
465      }
466    }
468    if (! hasTransformableDN)
469    {
470      return a;
471    }
474    // If we've gotten here, then we know that the attribute has at least one
475    // value to be transformed.
476    final String[] newValues = new String[values.length];
477    for (int i=0; i < values.length; i++)
478    {
479      try
480      {
481        final DN dn = new DN(values[i]);
482        if (dn.isDescendantOf(flattenBaseDN, false))
483        {
484          if (omittedRDNValues != null)
485          {
486            omittedRDNValues.clear();
487          }
488          newValues[i] = transformDN(dn, omittedRDNValues).toString();
489        }
490        else
491        {
492          newValues[i] = values[i];
493        }
494      }
495      catch (final Exception e)
496      {
497        // Even if some values are DNs, there may be values that aren't.  Don't
498        // worry about this.  Just use the existing value without alteration.
499        newValues[i] = values[i];
500      }
501    }
503    return new Attribute(a.getName(), schema, newValues);
504  }
508  /**
509   * {@inheritDoc}
510   */
511  @Override()
512  @Nullable()
513  public Entry translate(@NotNull final Entry original,
514                         final long firstLineNumber)
515  {
516    return transformEntry(original);
517  }
521  /**
522   * {@inheritDoc}
523   */
524  @Override()
525  @Nullable()
526  public Entry translateEntryToWrite(@NotNull final Entry original)
527  {
528    return transformEntry(original);
529  }