002 * Copyright 2020-2024 Ping Identity Corporation
003 * All Rights Reserved.
004 */
006 * Copyright 2020-2024 Ping Identity Corporation
007 *
008 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
009 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
010 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
011 *
012 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
013 *
014 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
015 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
016 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
017 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
018 * limitations under the License.
019 */
021 * Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Ping Identity Corporation
022 *
023 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
024 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv2 only)
025 * or the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv2.1 only)
026 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
027 *
028 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
029 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
031 * GNU General Public License for more details.
032 *
033 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
034 * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
035 */
036package com.unboundid.ldap.sdk;
040import java.net.InetAddress;
041import java.util.List;
043import com.unboundid.util.Extensible;
044import com.unboundid.util.NotNull;
045import com.unboundid.util.Nullable;
046import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafety;
047import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafetyLevel;
052 * This class defines an API that may be used to log operations processed on an
053 * LDAP connection.
054 */
057public abstract class LDAPConnectionLogger
059  /**
060   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a
061   * connection is established.
062   *
063   * @param  connectionInfo  Information about the connection that has been
064   *                         established.  It will not be {@code null}.
065   * @param  host            The string representation of the address to which
066   *                         the connection was established.  It will not be
067   *                         {@code null}.
068   * @param  inetAddress     The {@code InetAddress} representation of the
069   *                         address to which the connection was established.
070   *                         It will not be {@code null}.
071   * @param  port            The port to which the connection was established.
072   */
073  public void logConnect(@NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
074                         @NotNull final String host,
075                         @NotNull final InetAddress inetAddress,
076                         final int port)
077  {
078    // No action will be taken by default.
079  }
083  /**
084   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when an attempt
085   * to establish a connection fails.
086   *
087   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection that has been
088   *                           established.  It will not be {@code null}.
089   * @param  host              The string representation of the address to which
090   *                           the connection was established.  It will not be
091   *                           {@code null}.
092   * @param  port              The port to which the connection was established.
093   * @param  connectException  An exception with information about the failed
094   *                           connection attempt.  It will not be
095   *                           {@code null}.
096   */
097  public void logConnectFailure(
098                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
099                   @NotNull final String host, final int port,
100                   @NotNull final LDAPException connectException)
101  {
102    // No action will be taken by default.
103  }
107  /**
108   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a
109   * connection is disconnected, regardless of whether the disconnect was
110   * initiated by the client or server.
111   *
112   * @param  connectionInfo     Information about the connection that has been
113   *                            disconnected.  It will not be {@code null}.
114   * @param  host               The string representation of the address to
115   *                            which the connection was established.  It will
116   *                            not be {@code null}.
117   * @param  port               The port to which the connection was
118   *                            established.
119   * @param  disconnectType     The general reason for the disconnect.  It will
120   *                            not be {@code null}.
121   * @param  disconnectMessage  A human-readable message with additional
122   *                            information about the disconnect.  It may be
123   *                            {@code null} if no additional information is
124   *                            available.
125   * @param  disconnectCause    A {@code Throwable} that may have been
126   *                            responsible for the disconnect.  It may be
127   *                            {@code null} if the disconnect was not caused by
128   *                            an exception or error.
129   */
130  public void logDisconnect(@NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
131                   @NotNull final String host, final int port,
132                   @NotNull final DisconnectType disconnectType,
133                   @Nullable final String disconnectMessage,
134                   @Nullable final Throwable disconnectCause)
135  {
136    // No action will be taken by default.
137  }
141  /**
142   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when an abandon
143   * request is sent over a connection.
144   *
145   * @param  connectionInfo      Information about the connection that will be
146   *                             used to send the abandon request.  It will not
147   *                             be {@code null}.
148   * @param  messageID           The LDAP message ID for the abandon request
149   *                             that is to be sent.
150   * @param  messageIDToAbandon  The LDAP message ID for the request that is to
151   *                             be abandoned.
152   * @param  requestControls     The list of controls included in the abandon
153   *                             request.
154   */
155  public void logAbandonRequest(
156                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
157                   final int messageID,
158                   final int messageIDToAbandon,
159                    @NotNull final List<Control> requestControls)
160  {
161    // No action will be taken by default.
162  }
166  /**
167   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when an add
168   * request is sent over a connection.
169   *
170   * @param  connectionInfo  Information about the connection that will be used
171   *                         to send the add request.  It will not be
172   *                         {@code null}.
173   * @param  messageID       The LDAP message ID for the add request that is to
174   *                         be sent.
175   * @param  addRequest      The add request that is to be sent.  This is
176   *                         provided only for informational purposes, and it
177   *                         must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
178   *                         {@code null}.
179   */
180  public void logAddRequest(@NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
181                            final int messageID,
182                            @NotNull final ReadOnlyAddRequest addRequest)
183  {
184    // No action will be taken by default.
185  }
189  /**
190   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when an add
191   * response is received over a connection, or when an exception is caught
192   * while waiting for or attempting to decode an add response.
193   *
194   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
195   *                           add request.  It will not be {@code null}.
196   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated add
197   *                           request.
198   * @param  addResult         The add result that was received from the server,
199   *                           or that was generated from an exception.  It will
200   *                           not be {@code null}.
201   */
202  public void logAddResult(@NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
203                           final int requestMessageID,
204                           @NotNull final LDAPResult addResult)
205  {
206    // No action will be taken by default.
207  }
211  /**
212   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a simple
213   * bind request is sent over a connection.
214   *
215   * @param  connectionInfo  Information about the connection that will be used
216   *                         to send the bind request.  It will not be
217   *                         {@code null}.
218   * @param  messageID       The LDAP message ID for the add request that is to
219   *                         be sent.
220   * @param  bindRequest     The bind request that is to be sent.  This is
221   *                         provided only for informational purposes, and it
222   *                         must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
223   *                         {@code null}.
224   */
225  public void logBindRequest(@NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
226                             final int messageID,
227                             @NotNull final SimpleBindRequest bindRequest)
228  {
229    // No action will be taken by default.
230  }
234  /**
235   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a SASL
236   * bind request is sent over a connection.
237   *
238   * @param  connectionInfo  Information about the connection that will be used
239   *                         to send the bind request.  It will not be
240   *                         {@code null}.
241   * @param  messageID       The LDAP message ID for the add request that is to
242   *                         be sent.
243   * @param  bindRequest     The bind request that is to be sent.  This is
244   *                         provided only for informational purposes, and it
245   *                         must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
246   *                         {@code null}.
247   */
248  public void logBindRequest(@NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
249                             final int messageID,
250                             @NotNull final SASLBindRequest bindRequest)
251  {
252    // No action will be taken by default.
253  }
257  /**
258   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a bind
259   * response is received over a connection, or when an exception is caught
260   * while waiting for or attempting to decode a bind response.
261   *
262   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
263   *                           add request.  It will not be {@code null}.
264   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated add
265   *                           request.
266   * @param  bindResult        The bind result that was received from the
267   *                           server, or that was generated from an exception.
268   *                           It will not be {@code null}.
269   */
270  public void logBindResult(@NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
271                            final int requestMessageID,
272                            @NotNull final BindResult bindResult)
273  {
274    // No action will be taken by default.
275  }
279  /**
280   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a compare
281   * request is sent over a connection.
282   *
283   * @param  connectionInfo  Information about the connection that will be used
284   *                         to send the compare request.  It will not be
285   *                         {@code null}.
286   * @param  messageID       The LDAP message ID for the compare request that is
287   *                         to be sent.
288   * @param  compareRequest  The compare request that is to be sent.  This is
289   *                         provided only for informational purposes, and it
290   *                         must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
291   *                         {@code null}.
292   */
293  public void logCompareRequest(
294                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
295                   final int messageID,
296                   @NotNull final ReadOnlyCompareRequest compareRequest)
297  {
298    // No action will be taken by default.
299  }
303  /**
304   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a compare
305   * response is received over a connection, or when an exception is caught
306   * while waiting for or attempting to decode a compare response.
307   *
308   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
309   *                           compare request.  It will not be {@code null}.
310   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated compare
311   *                           request.
312   * @param  compareResult     The compare result that was received from the
313   *                           server, or that was generated from an exception.
314   *                           It will not be {@code null}.
315   */
316  public void logCompareResult(@NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
317                               final int requestMessageID,
318                               @NotNull final LDAPResult compareResult)
319  {
320    // No action will be taken by default.
321  }
325  /**
326   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a delete
327   * request is sent over a connection.
328   *
329   * @param  connectionInfo  Information about the connection that will be used
330   *                         to send the delete request.  It will not be
331   *                         {@code null}.
332   * @param  messageID       The LDAP message ID for the delete request that is
333   *                         to be sent.
334   * @param  deleteRequest   The delete request that is to be sent.  This is
335   *                         provided only for informational purposes, and it
336   *                         must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
337   *                         {@code null}.
338   */
339  public void logDeleteRequest(
340                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
341                   final int messageID,
342                   @NotNull final ReadOnlyDeleteRequest deleteRequest)
343  {
344    // No action will be taken by default.
345  }
349  /**
350   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a delete
351   * response is received over a connection, or when an exception is caught
352   * while waiting for or attempting to decode a delete response.
353   *
354   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
355   *                           delete request.  It will not be {@code null}.
356   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated delete
357   *                           request.
358   * @param  deleteResult      The delete result that was received from the
359   *                           server, or that was generated from an exception.
360   *                           It will not be {@code null}.
361   */
362  public void logDeleteResult(
363                    @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
364                    final int requestMessageID,
365                    @NotNull final LDAPResult deleteResult)
366  {
367    // No action will be taken by default.
368  }
372  /**
373   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when an extended
374   * request is sent over a connection.
375   *
376   * @param  connectionInfo   Information about the connection that will be used
377   *                          to send the extended request.  It will not be
378   *                          {@code null}.
379   * @param  messageID        The LDAP message ID for the extended request that
380   *                          is to be sent.
381   * @param  extendedRequest  The extended request that is to be sent.  This is
382   *                          provided only for informational purposes, and it
383   *                          must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
384   *                          {@code null}.
385   */
386  public void logExtendedRequest(
387                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
388                   final int messageID,
389                   @NotNull final ExtendedRequest extendedRequest)
390  {
391    // No action will be taken by default.
392  }
396  /**
397   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when an extended
398   * response is received over a connection, or when an exception is caught
399   * while waiting for or attempting to decode an extended response.
400   *
401   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
402   *                           extended request.  It will not be {@code null}.
403   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated extended
404   *                           request.
405   * @param  extendedResult    The extended result that was received from the
406   *                           server, or that was generated from an exception.
407   *                           It will not be {@code null}.
408   */
409  public void logExtendedResult(
410                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
411                   final int requestMessageID,
412                   @NotNull final ExtendedResult extendedResult)
413  {
414    // No action will be taken by default.
415  }
419  /**
420   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a modify
421   * request is sent over a connection.
422   *
423   * @param  connectionInfo  Information about the connection that will be used
424   *                         to send the modify request.  It will not be
425   *                         {@code null}.
426   * @param  messageID       The LDAP message ID for the modify request that is
427   *                         to be sent.
428   * @param  modifyRequest   The modify request that is to be sent.  This is
429   *                         provided only for informational purposes, and it
430   *                         must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
431   *                         {@code null}.
432   */
433  public void logModifyRequest(
434                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
435                   final int messageID,
436                   @NotNull final ReadOnlyModifyRequest modifyRequest)
437  {
438    // No action will be taken by default.
439  }
443  /**
444   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a modify
445   * response is received over a connection, or when an exception is caught
446   * while waiting for or attempting to decode a modify response.
447   *
448   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
449   *                           modify request.  It will not be {@code null}.
450   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated modify
451   *                           request.
452   * @param  modifyResult      The modify result that was received from the
453   *                           server, or that was generated from an exception.
454   *                           It will not be {@code null}.
455   */
456  public void logModifyResult(
457                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
458                   final int requestMessageID,
459                   @NotNull final LDAPResult modifyResult)
460  {
461    // No action will be taken by default.
462  }
466  /**
467   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a modify DN
468   * request is sent over a connection.
469   *
470   * @param  connectionInfo   Information about the connection that will be used
471   *                          to send the modify DN request.  It will not be
472   *                          {@code null}.
473   * @param  messageID        The LDAP message ID for the modify DN request that
474   *                          is to be sent.
475   * @param  modifyDNRequest  The modify DN request that is to be sent.  This is
476   *                          provided only for informational purposes, and it
477   *                          must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
478   *                          {@code null}.
479   */
480  public void logModifyDNRequest(
481                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
482                   final int messageID,
483                   @NotNull final ReadOnlyModifyDNRequest modifyDNRequest)
484  {
485    // No action will be taken by default.
486  }
490  /**
491   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a modify DN
492   * response is received over a connection, or when an exception is caught
493   * while waiting for or attempting to decode a modify DN response.
494   *
495   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
496   *                           modify DN request.  It will not be {@code null}.
497   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated modify DN
498   *                           request.
499   * @param  modifyDNResult    The modify DN result that was received from the
500   *                           server, or that was generated from an exception.
501   *                           It will not be {@code null}.
502   */
503  public void logModifyDNResult(
504                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
505                   final int requestMessageID,
506                   @NotNull final LDAPResult modifyDNResult)
507  {
508    // No action will be taken by default.
509  }
513  /**
514   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a search
515   * request is sent over a connection.
516   *
517   * @param  connectionInfo  Information about the connection that will be used
518   *                         to send the search request.  It will not be
519   *                         {@code null}.
520   * @param  messageID       The LDAP message ID for the search request that is
521   *                         to be sent.
522   * @param  searchRequest   The search request that is to be sent.  This is
523   *                         provided only for informational purposes, and it
524   *                         must not be altered in any way.  It will not be
525   *                         {@code null}.
526   */
527  public void logSearchRequest(
528                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
529                   final int messageID,
530                   @NotNull final ReadOnlySearchRequest searchRequest)
531  {
532    // No action will be taken by default.
533  }
537  /**
538   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a search
539   * result entry response is received over a connection.
540   *
541   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
542   *                           search request.  It will not be {@code null}.
543   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated search
544   *                           request.
545   * @param  searchEntry       The search result entry that was received from
546   *                           the server.  It will not be {@code null}.
547   */
548  public void logSearchEntry(
549                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
550                   final int requestMessageID,
551                   @NotNull final SearchResultEntry searchEntry)
552  {
553    // No action will be taken by default.
554  }
558  /**
559   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a search
560   * result reference response is received over a connection.
561   *
562   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
563   *                           search request.  It will not be {@code null}.
564   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated search
565   *                           request.
566   * @param  searchReference   The search result reference that was received
567   *                           from the server.  It will not be {@code null}.
568   */
569  public void logSearchReference(
570                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
571                   final int requestMessageID,
572                   @NotNull final SearchResultReference searchReference)
573  {
574    // No action will be taken by default.
575  }
579  /**
580   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when a search
581   * result done response is received over a connection, or when an exception is
582   * caught while waiting for or attempting to decode a search result.
583   *
584   * @param  connectionInfo    Information about the connection used to send the
585   *                           search request.  It will not be {@code null}.
586   * @param  requestMessageID  The LDAP message ID for the associated search
587   *                           request.
588   * @param  searchResult      The search result that was received from the
589   *                           server, or that was generated from an exception.
590   *                           It will not be {@code null}.
591   */
592  public void logSearchResult(
593                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
594                   final int requestMessageID,
595                   @NotNull final SearchResult searchResult)
596  {
597    // No action will be taken by default.
598  }
602  /**
603   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when an unbind
604   * request is sent over a connection.
605   *
606   * @param  connectionInfo      Information about the connection that will be
607   *                             used to send the unbind request.  It will not
608   *                             be {@code null}.
609   * @param  messageID           The LDAP message ID for the unbind request
610   *                             that is to be sent.
611   * @param  requestControls     The list of controls included in the unbind
612   *                             request.
613   */
614  public void logUnbindRequest(
615                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
616                   final int messageID,
617                   @NotNull final List<Control> requestControls)
618  {
619    // No action will be taken by default.
620  }
624  /**
625   * Performs any appropriate log processing that may be needed when an
626   * intermediate response message is received over a connection.
627   *
628   * @param  connectionInfo        Information about the connection over which
629   *                               the intermediate response was received.  It
630   *                               will not be {@code null}.
631   * @param  messageID             The LDAP message ID for the intermediate
632   *                               response message.
633   * @param  intermediateResponse  The intermediate response message that was
634   *                               received.
635   */
636  public void logIntermediateResponse(
637                   @NotNull final LDAPConnectionInfo connectionInfo,
638                   final int messageID,
639                   @NotNull final IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse)
640  {
641    // No action will be taken by default.
642  }