UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

Ping Identity

Product Information
Getting Started with the LDAP SDK

Creating and Using LDAP Connection Pools

An LDAP connection pool, provides a mechanism for holding a set of connections that can be used across multiple threads in an application. Connection pools help improve performance and reduce server load by reusing connections for multiple requests and eliminating the expense of establishing and tearing down connections.

The traditional means of interacting with a connection pool is to check out a connection from the pool, use that connection for the desired operation(s), and then return the connection back to the pool so that it can be reused for subsequent requests within the application. This approach is available for use with the UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java, and it is the recommended approach if it is necessary to process multiple operations over the same physical connection. However, care must be taken to ensure that any connection taken from the pool is returned to the pool.

In addition, because the com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPConnectionPool class implements the com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPinterface interface, a connection pool can be used in much the same way as a single LDAPConnection object. This is convenient for cases in which the application only needs to perform a single request, or if it will perform multiple operations but they do not necessarily need to be over the same physical connection. It shares many of the same methods as the LDAPConnection class, and therefore add, compare, delete, modify, modify DN, and search operations can be performed in a connection pool in the same way as with a single connection. These methods will encapsulate the process of checking out a connection, performing the operation, and returning the connection back to the pool.

Creating a Connection Pool

The LDAPConnectionPool class has the following constructors:

The first three constructors provide the ability to create a connection pool with a specified number of connections created based on the provided connection. The given connection will be part of the pool, and then other connections will be created with the same options, address, port, and bind state as that connection.

The last three constructors provide a means of creating a connection pool based on a server set. This provides the ability to have a connection pool with connections established across multiple servers so that operations performed in the pool may be load balanced across those servers. See the Client-Side Failover and Load Balancing document for more information on creating and using server set objects.

The LDAP SDK also provides an LDAPThreadLocalConnectionPool class which is similar to the LDAPConnectionPool class but maintains a separate connection per client thread rather than a common pool of connections that may be shared by multiple threads. This connection pool implementation may be easier to configure in many cases because it does not require explicitly specifying the number of connections to maintain. These connection pools may be created using any of the following constructors:

Checking Out and Returning Connections

In order to check out a connection from the pool, use the getConnection() method. If the pool has one or more connections available, one of those connections will be taken and returned to the caller. If there are no connections available, then the pool will wait for a new connection to become available and/or will create a new connection and return it. The behavior in this condition may be controlled using the setMaxWaitTime and setCreateIfNecessary methods. If the maximum wait time is set to a positive value, then the pool will wait up to that number of milliseconds for a connection to become available, or it will not wait at all if it is set to a value of zero. If there is still no connection available, then the SDK will either create a new connection (if createIfNecessary() returns true) and return it to the client or throw an exception.

Whenever a connection is no longer needed, it can be returned to the pool using the releaseConnection() method. If the caller knows that there is a problem with the connection and it may no longer be valid, then the releaseDefunctConnection() method should be called instead and that connection will be closed and a new connection will be created to take its place.

Note that calling the close method on an LDAPConnection object that is associated with a connection pool will cause that connection to be returned to the pool rather than actually closing the connection. However, in order to avoid accidentally closing a connection if it may not be associated with a pool, then it is recommended that the releaseConnection method be used instead to return a connection if it is known to be part of a pool.

Performing Operations on Pooled Connections

As noted above, the LDAPConnectionPool class implements the LDAPInterface interface, so all of the following methods operate the same as they do for a single LDAPConnection object, using a connection that is temporarily checked out of the pool and returned after the operation processing is complete:

Note that it is also possible to process bind and extended operations in the same manner, but care must be taken when processing these operations because they can impact the state of the associated connection in a manner that may adversely impact future operations on the same connection. In particular, StartTLS extended operations should never be processed over pooled connections, and bind operations should only be performed if it is known that subsequent operations will not be adversely impacted by changing the authorization identity for the associated connection.

If it is necessary to process operations with different authorization identities using pooled connections, then it is recommended that the proxied authorization control be used to identify the authorization identity for the target operation. See the Using Standard Controls document for information on using the proxied authorization control.

Processing Multiple Requests Using a Single Connection

The connection pool implementation provides a method that may be used to process multiple requests over a single pooled connection. That method is:

public List<LDAPResult> processRequests(final List<LDAPRequest> requests,
                                        final boolean continueOnError)
       throws LDAPException

This method will check out a connection from the pool and use it to process each of the requests in the order they were provided and will release the connection back to the pool before returning a list containing the results for those operations. The continueOnError flag may be used to control whether it should continue processing subsequent requests if a problem occurs while processing any of the requests.

Closing a Connection Pool

When a connection pool is no longer needed, you may call the close() method to cause all connections to be closed.

Using Separate Servers for Read and Write Operations

The LDAPReadWriteConnectionPool class provides the ability to define different sets of servers for read and write operations. There are two constructors available for use:

All write operations (add, delete, modify, and modify DN) will be processed using connections from the "write" set, and all read operations (bind, compare, and search, as well as the getEntry, getRootDSE, and getSchema methods) will use the "read" set. Methods are available for obtaining connections from either pool, and it is also possible to process operations in the context of the pool. This connection pool implementation also implements the LDAPInterface interface, so it can be used in much the same way as the LDAPConnection and LDAPConnectionPool classes.