UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java

Ping Identity
Product Information
Advantages of the LDAP SDK

Support for Failover and Load Balancing

The UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java provides a mechanism that can be used to manage connections across multiple servers. This can be used to provide basic support for failover and load balancing, and it can be used for single connections as well as connection pools (so a single connection pool may contain connections to multiple servers, effectively balancing the load across those servers).

The abstract ServerSet class defines the basic API used to provide this functionality. At present, the following implementations are available:

Note that the failover server set can also provide failover across server sets, so it is possible to define more complex configurations (e.g., if possible, use round-robin load balancing across servers in the local data center, but if none of them are available then fail over to a round-robin set of servers in a remote data center).

The server set API is extensible, and developers are free to create their own implementations if none of the existing options is ideal for a given deployment.